Friday, March 22, 2013

Easter Events Timeline (with verses)

The Easter Events Timeline
·         The plot to kill Jesus: Matthew 26:1
·         Mary Magdalene anoints Jesus with perfume- Matthew 26:6
·         Judas betrays Jesus: Matthew 26: 14
·         The Disciples prepare for Passover: Matthew 26:17
·         The Last Supper (Jesus and the Disciples): Matthew 26:17
·         Jesus predicts Judas’ betrayal: Matthew 26: 23
·         Jesus predicts Peter’s denial: Matthew 26:31
·         Jesus’ agony in the Garden of Gethsemane: Matthew 26:36
·         Jesus’ betrayal and arrest: Matthew 26: 47
·         Jesus before Caiaphas: Matthew 26:57
·         Peter denies knowing Jesus: Matthew 26:69
·         Jesus condemned by religious leaders: Matthew 27:1
·         Judas commits suicide by hanging: Matthew 27:3
·         Pilate turns Jesus over for crucifixion: Matthew 27:11
·         Jesus stands trial before Pilate: Matthew 27:15
·         Roman soldiers taunt Jesus: Matthew 27:27
·         Jesus carries his cross to Golgotha: Matthew 27:32
·         Jesus dies on the cross: Matthew 27:45
·         Jesus is placed in the tomb: Matthew 27:57
·         Roman soldiers guard Jesus’ tomb: Matthew 27:62
·         Jesus resurrects from the dead: Matthew 28:1
·         Jesus appears to the women: Matthew 28:8

Friday, March 15, 2013

Consumerism in the family

Our consumerism mindset, the principle of cost/benefit analysis, and the idea of ROI has permeated our culture so much that it not only owns our businesses, our hobbies, our workshops, and our kitchens, but it has crept in and commandeered our relationships... our marriages.

When relationships are broken, you don't throw them away, you fix them.

When the ROI is too low, it doesn't mean get out, it means invest more heavily.

When the cost seems to outweigh the benefit, don't think about how shareholders would feel, think about the ONE that shares your soul.